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问答 2024年05月05日 07:11 118 admin

Title: Mastering the Chinese National Postgraduate Entrance Exam (考研英语) with Expert Strategies


The Chinese National Postgraduate Entrance Exam (考研) is a significant milestone for those pursuing further education in China. Among its sections, the English portion stands out for its challenges, especially the notorious "腿姐" (Leg Sisters) reading comprehension. This guide offers expert strategies to conquer this section effectively.

Understanding the "Leg Sisters" Phenomenon:

The term "腿姐" originated from the habit of Chinese students focusing solely on the "legs" or main points of a reading passage while ignoring the "sisters" or details. This approach often leads to shallow comprehension and undermines overall performance.

Strategies for Reading Comprehension:


Skim and Scan Technique:

Skim the passage to grasp the main idea and structure.

Scan for specific information required to answer questions.


Active Reading:

Engage with the text by predicting, questioning, and summarizing.

Mark important points, keywords, and transitions.


Contextual Understanding:

Pay attention to the context surrounding keywords to infer meanings.

Understand how sentences and paragraphs contribute to the passage's overall message.

Tackling Vocabulary:


Context Clues:

Use surrounding words and sentences to infer the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.

Pay attention to synonyms, antonyms, and explanations within the text.


Roots and Affixes:

Break down complex words into roots, prefixes, and suffixes to deduce their meanings.

Recognize common affixes and their functions.

Improving Reading Speed and Efficiency:


Practice Regularly:

Dedicate time to daily reading practice to enhance speed and comprehension.

Gradually increase the complexity of materials to challenge yourself.


Use Reading Aids:

Utilize tools like speed reading apps or techniques to improve reading speed.

Focus on increasing fluency without sacrificing comprehension.

Question Analysis and Answering Techniques:


Identify Question Types:

Recognize different question types such as factual, inferential, and rhetorical.

Tailor your approach based on the question's requirements.


Refer Back to the Text:

Always refer back to the passage to confirm answers and avoid speculation.

Pay attention to specific line references and textual evidence.

Time Management Tips:


Prioritize Questions:

Start with questions you find easiest to gain momentum.

Allocate time based on question difficulty to ensure completion.


Manage Time Effectively:

Set aside a specific time limit for each passage and stick to it.

Avoid spending too much time on a single question; mark it for later review if necessary.


Mastering the English section of the Chinese National Postgraduate Entrance Exam demands a combination of strategic reading, vocabulary skills, and effective time management. By implementing the expert strategies outlined in this guide, candidates can overcome the "腿姐" phenomenon and approach the exam with confidence, ultimately achieving success in their academic pursuits.


This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for candidates preparing for the English section of the Chinese National Postgraduate Entrance Exam. It emphasizes the importance of holistic comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, reading efficiency, question analysis, and time management in achieving optimal results.

标签: 考研英语腿姐是谁 考研腿姐 英语考研腿姐是谁 国内考研英语要过几级 考研英语腿姐的价格


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